
「⋯⋯我從事攝影藝術創作二十年的歷程。對於畫意派、寫實派和新派, 我都已下過一番苦功去研討、去創作。然則到底拍攝哪一派作品爲最佳呢? 」—何藩

It is the “Quest” by Fan Ho!

“…my 20-year experience in photography. I have worked hard to examine and to analyze all the various styles: pictorial photography, documentary photography and the new vision. One might ask, which is the best?” — Fan Ho

Fan Ho will always have a special place in our hearts, and we feel closer to him through the lasting legacy of his work. We know we will continue to discover something refreshing every time we look at his unforgettable images, be they portrayals of a bygone era or of the endurance of the human spirit.
