In memory of our father
我們很感謝Ada和香港人出版團隊替父親出版《念香港人的舊》、以及Sarah Greene與Sandy Choi的鼎力支持和參與這本書的創作,更感謝主辦單位的認同,很榮幸獲選為2017年的好書。
父親生前常說, 獎項除了是一種鼓勵, 更是某一方面的肯定。這本書是肯定了大眾對他的作品產生了共鳴,正如他在書中所說 : 「攝影是大眾藝術」 。他定會很想跟香港人分享這個獎項, 因為這本書的內容正是代表著父親對香港的緬懷及感情,亦道出了香港人的精神, 是個集體回憶。 今年六月是父親剛離開了我們兩年,相信在遠方的他也會非常高興。謝謝!
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Ada and WE Press for publishing our dad Fan Ho's Portrait of Hong Kong, to Sarah Greene and Sandy Choi for their participation and unwavering support, and to the judging panel for selecting this book as one of the best of 2017.
Dad always used to say, “An award is more than just an encouragement. It’s an affirmation.” This book affirms the fact that his works elicit resonance from the populace, just like what he had said in the book, "Photography is the art of and for the people." We believe he would really want to share this honor with the people of Hong Kong, because this book is indeed about his reminiscences of and affection for Hong Kong. It’s about the spirit of the people. It’s about collective memories. This June marks the 2nd anniversary of dad's passing. We are certain that he is beaming with joy from afar for receiving this accolade. Thank you.
《讓時光停駐》|"Frozen in Time"