Happy Father's Day 2021 !
Time flies! 2021 is the 5th year anniversary of Fan Ho’s passing. We would like to thank all who have visited this site, as well as our official Facebook and Instagram pages of Fan Ho. We are dedicated and will continue to disseminate information on Fan Ho Photography. Please keep visiting us on-line for updates.
轉瞬間2021已是何藩離去的五週年紀念,我們謹此感謝各位瀏覽此網站、我們的官方Facebook 及 Instagram網頁。我們將繼續致力發放關於何藩攝影的資訊,敬請留意我們在線上的更新。
「何藩:念香港人的舊」2019攝影展|"Fan Ho: Portrait of Hong Kong" 2019 Exhibition
由今天至4月14日|From now till April 14
Blue Lotus Gallery - 香港上環磅巷28號|28 Pound Lane, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
詳情及更新請按此|Please click here for detail and update
Happy Father's Day!|父親節快樂!
On the Father’s day of 2016, we were deeply saddened by Dad’s passing. The preparation of the new book and the exhibition since then has been a healing process for us. We still feel the sorrow, yet he will forever live in our hearts, and we hope our gift comes just in time on this Father’s day.
We are grateful for the support from our relatives, friends and fans of our Dad. He would have been very happy. While seeking fame and fortune was never his priority, he would have treasured Forget Me Not.
Fan Ho’s Daughter and Son