A Heavenly Birthday Wish to Fan Ho 2022!
“The Spirit of Life” portrays leaves as half-arcs, created by intersecting lines that appear to be playing a tune, surrounded by dazzling light and vibrant colours to highlight the liveliness and flamboyance of the subject.
Read More《細塑今昔・智建未來》2022
日期 Date:2022.06.02 – 07.16
時間 Time:10:00 – 22:00
舉行地點 Venue:中環街市一樓 Event Space (Event Space, 1/F, Central Market)
Happy Father's Day 2021 !
Time flies! 2021 is the 5th year anniversary of Fan Ho’s passing. We would like to thank all who have visited this site, as well as our official Facebook and Instagram pages of Fan Ho. We are dedicated and will continue to disseminate information on Fan Ho Photography. Please keep visiting us on-line for updates.
轉瞬間2021已是何藩離去的五週年紀念,我們謹此感謝各位瀏覽此網站、我們的官方Facebook 及 Instagram網頁。我們將繼續致力發放關於何藩攝影的資訊,敬請留意我們在線上的更新。
In Loving Memory of Fan Ho, Happy Birthday!
Click here for the English video transcript
Postcard set from "Complete Collection of Ho Fan's International Award-Winning Photographic Art", 1982
Fan Ho’s International Award-Winning Photographic Art
Happy Birthday, Mr. Fan Ho!
“Running off the Tracks”, “Wearisome Journey”, “A Sail” (cover image) and “Afternoon Chat” were featured in 1961 Toronto International Salon of Photography!
Happy Father's Day!
Father’s day remembrance of Master Ho…
Made by Michelle (Granddaughter), 2019
「何藩:念香港人的舊」2019攝影展|"Fan Ho: Portrait of Hong Kong" 2019 Exhibition
由今天至4月14日|From now till April 14
Blue Lotus Gallery - 香港上環磅巷28號|28 Pound Lane, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
詳情及更新請按此|Please click here for detail and update
《日暮途遠》“As Evening Hurries By”
— 何藩《街頭攝影叢談》
"As Evening Hurries By" is an exemplary work of depicting both moody ambience and pictorial photography.
– Thoughts on Street Photography, Fan Ho
這是一片深邃幽遠的景色, 一個莊嚴肅穆的意象; 流露出悲觀哲學的感傷情懷, 正合「日暮途遠, 人間何世」的愴凉境界。此乃作者對現實世界通過凝神觀照, 達到心物交融的「畫境」時, 凝固了具有永恒性之一瞬間的畫意作品。— 何藩《街頭攝影叢談》
This is a heartfelt scenery with a gloomy background and a solemn imagery. It reveals sadness from one’s pessimism and sentimentalism which matches precisely the mood of desolation in “As Evening Hurries By, ……”. The artist, through intense contemplation of the physical world, had achieved a "pictorial realm" of amalgamated heart and matter, and had immortalized a moment in time of his picturesque creation. - Thoughts on Street Photography, Fan Ho
1966 Banbury England Best Film Award|一九六六年英國「賓巴利國際電影節冠軍」
Gulf 《離》directed by young Master Fan Ho won the "Best Film Award" at Banbury International Film Festival, England, 1966